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Book - The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk 


Book - Overcoming Trauma through Yoga by David Emerson 


Book - Trauma Sensitive Yoga in Therapy: Bringing the Body into Treatment by David Emerson 


Book - Embodied Healing: Survivor and Facilitator Voices from the Practice of Trauma Sensitive Yoga, edited by Jenn Turner


Book - Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman 


Book - A Straight Talking Introduction to The Power Threat and Meaning Framework by Mary Boyle and Lucy Johnstone 


Book - Drop the Disorder: Challenging the Culture of Psychiatric Diagnosis 


Book - Oppression and the Body by Christine Caldwell and Lucia Bennett Leighton 


Research on Trauma Sensitive Yoga 


2020 | Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice |
Trauma-informed approaches to physical activity - A scoping study


2020 | Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy | Moderators of Treatment Efficacy in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Trauma-Sensitive Yoga as an Adjunctive Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder


2020 | WestCASA | Body Based Therapy for sexual assault survivors


2020 | Journal of Trauma & Dissociation |
Mindfulness and yoga for psychological trauma: systematic review and meta-analysis


2019 | Dissertation by Rowan Silverberg | TCTSY in peer support groups for survivors of sexual violence


2019 | American Psychological Association |
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga as an Adjunctive Mental Health Treatment for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Examination


2019 | American Psychological Association |
Yoga as an Intervention for Psychological Symptoms Following Trauma: A Systematic Review and Quantitative Synthesis


2018 | Evan Alyse Bodine’s Dissertation |
The Lived Experience of Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga: A dissertation by Evan Alyse Bodine


2018 | International Journal of Yoga Therapy | Bridging Body and Mind: Considerations for Trauma-Informed Yoga


2018 | Boston Medical Center Psychiatry | Meta-Analysis of yoga for PTSD


2018 | European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation |
Yoga for PTSD and the role of interoceptive awareness: A preliminary mixed-methods case series study


2017 | International Journal of Stress Management |
Trauma Sensitive Yoga as a Complementary Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Qualitative Descriptive Analysis


2017 | Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine |
Effectiveness of an Extended Yoga Treatment for Women with Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


2017 | The Center on Poverty and Inequality at Georgetown Law |
Gender and Trauma: Somatic Interventions for Girls in Juvenile Justice: Implications for Policy and Practice 


2016 | Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice  |
Bending without breaking: A narrative review of trauma-sensitive yoga for women with PTSD


2016 | Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine |
Yoga for Adult Women with Chronic PTSD: A Long-Term Follow-Up Study


2015 | Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice |
Claiming Peaceful Embodiment Through Yoga in The Aftermath of Trauma


2014 | Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice |
Trauma-sensitive yoga as an adjunct mental health treatment in group therapy for survivors of domestic violence: A feasibility study 


2014 | Alison Rhodes’ Dissertation | Yoga For Traumatic Stress


2014 | Journal of Clinical Psychiatry |
Yoga as an Adjunctive Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial 


2011 | Jennifer West’s Dissertation | Moving to Heal: Women's Experiences of Therapeutic Yoga after Complex Trauma


2011 | Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association |
Application Of Yoga In Residential Treatment Of Traumatized Youth


Local Organisations for Crisis Support 


The Samaritans are a free and confidential listening service. They can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 116 123. They also have an email service and aim to respond within 24 hours. You can reach them at jo@samaritans.org 


In case of a mental health emergency, please contact your GP in the first instance or call 111 if it is out of hours 


Support for domestic abuse: https://www.leewaysupport.org/ 


Support for survivors of sexual abuse: https://www.suelamberttrust.org/ 


Support for drug and alcohol addictions: https://www.changegrowlive.org/ 


Support with rough sleeping and complex needs: https://www.pathwaysnorwich.org.uk/ 



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Logo for Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga
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